Saturday, November 20, 2021

Natural Alternative to Lasix for Dogs

Natural Alternative to Lasix for Dogs

What is Lasix for Dogs?

Lasix for dogs is used to treat animals with congestive heart failure ( CHF). Lasix is a loop diuretic, so it helps to alleviate pressure on your dog's heart. The drug is also safe to use with your cats.

This drug is also known as Furosemide, and since it's a diuretic, your veterinarian may also prescribe it if your dog has kidney problems. Lasix helps dogs with liver disease as well.

Hawthorn is A Natural Alternative to Lasix for Dogs

Water pills for dogs or natural diuretics medications for dogs such as hawthorn, work by helping to eliminate excess fluid from your dog's body. A dog diuretic is specially formulated for canines and should not be used with other animals that are in the same household.

Hawthorn is a powerful dog diuretic. It:
Reduces fluid buildup
Alleviates the symptoms of CHF in dogs
Helps dogs that are tired or wheezing from CHF

Hawthorn and Dandelion for Dogs

Dandelion is A Natural Alternative to Lasix for Dogs

Dandelion diuretic tea helps to remove excess fluid from the body. When you or your dog feel bloated, it can help with the discomfort of that feeling. Dandelion does not cause their stomach to feel cramped and works naturally to relieve bloating and swelling. Dandelion helps to relieve pressure on your dog's heart.

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Lasix is Used with other Animals
A veterinarian may prescribe Lasix if your horses have CHF. Cattle with udder edema may be treated with Lasix. Dairy animals being treated with Lasix may be given the medicine as an injection.

Dogs on Lasix may be treated using this medication for a long time. Like natural diuretics for dogs,  Lasix can help to alleviate wheezing and coughing in dogs, that is due to heart disease. Furosemide also helps with several other symptoms of CHF.

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